Download Madame Fortune's Handbook of Demonic Correspondence: Appendix of Intentions

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Madame Fortune's Handbook of  Demonic Correspondence: Appendix of Intentions 

Learn exactly which of the Infernal Divine will help you with your specific intentions. Each intention includes a list of Keywords, Planets, Colors, Herbs, and of course Demons who align with that intention.

In-depth guides on contract and demonic correspondences to the intentions of: 

  1. Wealth
  2. Fame
  3. Career
  4. Beauty
  5. Protection
  6. Justice
  7. Power
  8. Secrets
  9. Invisibility
  10. Clairabilities

and 15 more!

With over 53 pages, this handbook certainly won't disappoint! Download your FREE copy of Madame Fortune's Handbook of Demonic Correspondence: Appendix of Intentions now.